
If you dig my love of colour and felt tip pens, I have good news.
I’m taking commissions for custom SHE Art.

Yep, YOU, in art form, as a SASSY SHE Oracle card, with your own SHE story + guidance for life.

I’m not interested in drawing portraits or getting the ‘right’ likeness, my passion is capturing + creating expressions of the true nature of women, of the divine feminine in YOU. So it won't be a reflection of how you 'look' - you've got a selfie function on your phone for that - it will be a piece of channelled SHE art, created especially for you, by me, magic + colouring pens, in the style of the SHE Oracle cards - a representation of your essence + true nature as SHE.

There is a 6 week lead time.
You will receive an 8 x 10 print of your SHE art in the mail along with your SHE story + once you’ve received your art, I’ll send over a high res digital image via email.

There are TWO investment options:

(NOTE: if you join + support the SHE Power Collective for as little as $3, you get BIG discounts off both these payment options.)

OPTION 1: By selecting this option, you're saying yes to me creating a piece of SHE art for you, and by paying £333 you’re giving me permission to include it in a SHE Oracle deck - either the next one or future editions + to use it in any publicity on the web or social media.

The investment will be £333 incl. PP


Option 2: A bespoke piece, just for you, that I won't use in any of my oracle decks or art projects, or on the web or social media. (You can obviously, it'll be yours!)

The investment will be £399 incl. PP


If you’re called, here’s what to do:

  1. send payment depending on the option you choose to my Paypal and put SHE ART in the notes.

  2. send a separate email to with SHE ART in the subject box + include the following:

- Two pix of yourself that you love and feel are representations of you + your essence
- Your favourite song
- Your astrological details - name, date, time, place + country of birth (not necessary, but I like to geek on the feels I get from your astro)
- three key words that describe your essence
- fave colour,s scent, herbs, flowers + animals (also feel free to include any notes on things you’d like me to know)
- the mailing address where you would like your print sent to when complete

Any questions, please email me at:

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